UCC Permit Applications can be obtained in the Alpine Building Department or on the Borough of Alpine Webpage
Technical Assistant is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
The Construction Official is available by appointment only or by email
Zoning Official is available by appointment only or by email
Inspections – Tuesday and Thursday Mornings
/ Mechanical Inspections – Tuesday and Thursday Mornings
Electrical Inspections – Tuesday & Thursday from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Fire Inspections – Tuesday & Thursday Morning
UCC Inspections: call 201-784-2900 x 222; Permit Number, Address & Type of Inspection Required
Seepage Pit and Drainage Inspections, call the Borough Engineer, Perry Frenzel 201-845-8500
All Septic Matters call the Alpine Health Department, 201-784-2900 X 219
Property Maintenance Matters, email
Click here to view or print Building Department Information
***PLEASE NOTE: EXTENSIONS HAVE CHANGED. Please use extension 222 for Bulding Department/UCC Inspections and extension 219 for Board of Health/Septic System
***PLEASE NOTE: EXTENSIONS HAVE CHANGED. Please use extension 222 for Bulding Department/UCC Inspections and extension 219 for Board of Health/Septic System
Building Department Technical Assistant
Office 201-784-2900 x 222
UCC Permit Applications can be obtained by visting the following link:
Click Here to Obtain UCC Permit Applications
Please submit the required copies noted:
UCC F100- Construction Permit Application Folder - 1 copy required
Technical Sections
UCC F110- Building Subcode Technical
Section - 4 copies required
UCC F120- Electrical Subcode Technical Section - 4 copies required
UCC F130- Plumbing Subcode Technical Section - 4 copies required
UCC F140- Fire Subcode
Technical Section - 4 copies required
UCC F145 Mechanical Subcode Technical Section - 4
copies required
All information must be legible and completed
in ink.
If you have any questions, please call (201) 784-2900 x 22
Recycling Requirements are Mandatory Pursuant to State Law
For all owners/contractors applying for Building, Demolition, Tree
or similar permits
that will result in the generation
of solid waste, particularly construction debris and/or vegetative waste.
Click here to refer to our "Recycling" page for Tonnage Reporting forms and deadlines.