Borough of Alpine Business

Tel 201-784-2900  
Fax 201-784-1407 
Monday thru Friday 9:00am to 4:30pm 
Stephanie Wehmann, RMC, CMR   
 (Ext 219)
Municipal Clerk
Board of Health Secretary
Local Registrar 
Recycling Administrator
Marti Francis, CMR   (Ext 210)
Deputy Borough Clerk
Land Use Secretary Planning and Zoning
Deputy Registrar 

Finance Office   (Ext 220)
Chief Financial Officer
Treasurer/Tax Collector
Catherine Booth   (Ext 222)
Building Department Technical Assistant
For the Construction Sub Code Officials/
Inspectors, contact Catherine Booth, ext. 222
John Scialla
Construction Code Official/ Building Subcode Official/ Building Inspector/
Plumbing Inspector 
Jon Buchak
Electrical Inspector 
Keith Dalton  
Zoning Officer/Fire Subcode Official 
William Yirce   
(Ext 221)
Tax Assessor
Thursday 4:00pm to 6:00pm
* Inspections by Appointment
  Please call 201-784-2900 ext. 222

Department of Public Works
Tel 201-768-6942   Fax 201-784-2912
To Leave a Voicemail for the DPW Please Call 201-784-2900 ext. 250
Monday thru Friday 7:00am to 3:00pm
Greg Zaremba 
DPW Superintendent
Stuart Davis
Equipment Operator
Recycling Coordinator
Gary Vanderwerf
Equipment Operator II




Borough of Alpine
100 Church Street
PO Box 1095
Alpine, New Jersey 07620-1095
Tel 201-784-2900
Fax 201-784-1407