Please be sure to visit this webpage often for additional updates as they become
Pollworker Application - Bergen County Board of Elections
Bergen County Clerk's Election Division X (formerly Twitter) account
Visit for all important election-related information such as deadlines, reminders, updates and more.
Primary Election Party Declaration Deadline - April 10, 2024 Primary
Election Voter Registration Deadline - May 14, 2024 Please be advised
that Tuesday, May 14, 2024 is the
deadline for all new voter registrations for the Primary Election, June 4th. DO NOT MAIL YOUR REGISTRATION. It may not get to the County
on time.
BEFORE 4:30 PM ON 5/14/24: Please call the Borough Clerk’s Office at 201-784-2900 ext.
219 to submit your registration by appointment before 4:30 PM on May 14, 2024.
4:30 PM ON 5/14/24: The Bergen County Superintendent of Elections Office located at One Bergen County Plaza in Hackensack
will be available until 9 PM on Tuesday, May 14th. Please
call 201-336-6109
or 201-336-6115
for assistance and nearest available drop-off locations.
General Election Voter Registration Deadline - October 15, 2024
Please be advised that Tuesday, October 15,
2024 is the deadline for all new voter
registrations for the General Election, November 5th. DO NOT MAIL YOUR REGISTRATION. It may not get to the County on time.
BEFORE 4:30 PM ON 10/15/24: Please call the Borough Clerk’s
Office at 201-784-2900 ext. 219 to submit your registration by appointment before 4:30 PM on October 15, 2024.
AFTER 4:30 PM ON 10/15/24: The Bergen County Superintendent of Elections Office located at One Bergen County
Plaza in Hackensack will be available until 9 PM on Tuesday, October 15th. Please call 201-336-6109 or 201-336-6115 for assistance and nearest available drop-off locations.
Political-Neutral Attire for Election Day
Check Your Outfit Before You Go! To keep polling places neutral, New Jersey law (N.J.S.A. 19:34-15) prohibits campaign-related items
within 100 feet of polling locations or ballot drop boxes. This includes clothing, hats, pins, or any item that promotes a
candidate or party. Poll workers will ask you to step outside to remove such items before voting. Why the Rule (Law)?
This policy ensures polling places are fair, safe, and nonpartisan. Poll
workers, as community volunteers, are committed to maintaining a calm and neutral voting environment.
We Want You to Vote!
Please take a moment before you head out to check that you’re in
“Election 2024 Style.” Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to seeing you at the polls!
Polls & Field Goals Voter Registration/Poll Worker Recruitment/Mail in Ballots
PLAN YOUR VOTE! - It is up to each and every American Citizen to exercise their right to vote. Deadline for all new voter registrations:
- June 4, 2024 Primary election is Tuesday, May 14, 2024
- November 5, 2024 General Election is Tuesday, October 15, 2024
- Bergen County residents may register to vote at the Office of the Superintendent
of Elections - One Bergen County Plaza, Room 380, in Hackensack (by 9 PM) or at the Municipal Clerk's Office (by 4:30 PM).
- Registration forms are available on the "Voter Registration & Election
Info" link on the webpage and at the Borough Hall lobby. To ensure your registration is received prior to the deadline,
please do not mail. Call the Municipal Clerk's Office at 201-784-2900 Ext 219 to submit your registration by appointment.
We will date stamp and deliver it to the County for you.
ELIGIBILITY - Must be a U.S. American Citizen.
- 18 years old on or before June 4, 2024 (Primary Election)/ November 5, 2024 (General Election).
- Resident in Bergen County, NJ.
ADDRESS CHANGES - If a voter has moved from
one election district to another in the SAME town or has moved to another town in Bergen County before Tuesday, June 4, 2024
(Primary Election)/ November 5, 2024 (General Election), notify the Superintendent of Elections Office as soon as possible
at 201-336-6110 so that a Mail-In Ballot can be sent to you at your current address.
3 WAYS TO VOTE : 1. Go to your regular polling location on Primary Election Day, Tuesday, June 4,
2024 / Election Day, Tuesday, November 5, 2024. - Polls are open
from 6:00AM to 8:00PM. Check your sample ballot for your polling location or visit the New Jersey Voter Information
Portal at http://www.vote.nj.gov (link below)
NJ Voter Information Portal
2. Vote by Mail. - If you are not set up to receive one already, the deadline to apply to the County Clerk's
Office for Mail-In Ballot by Mail is May 28, 2024 (for the Primary Election) and October 29, 2024 (for
the General Election). Official Mail-In Ballots for the 2024 General Election will be mailed out
to the voters in Alpine with active Vote by Mail Requests. Mailing of Vote-by-Mail Ballots will begin September 21. Voters
with active requests who do not receive their ballot should call 201-336-7020 to request a duplicate. To check your
status, contact the Bergen County Clerk's Office (201) 336-7020 or email electionsclerk@co.bergen.nj.us.
- Deadline for application to the County Clerk's Office to
receive mail-in ballot by electronic means for qualified overseas civilian and military voters is
May 31, 2024 (for the Primary Election) and November 1, 2024 (for
the General Election).
- Deadline for in-person mail-in ballot applications to the County Clerk's
Office is by 3 PM on June 3, 2024 (for
the Primary Election) and November 4, 2024 (for the General Election).
You may cast your Vote-by-Mail Ballot by: - Mailing it as soon
as possible. Your ballot must be postmarked on or before Election Day.
- Deliver
your Vote by Mail ballot in person to the Board of Elections located at 1 Bergen County Plaza - Room 310 by 8:00PM on
Election Day.
- Deposit in a Secure Ballot Drop Box no later than 8:00PM on Election
- Drop box locations can be found at the following link on the Bergen County Board of Elections website (nearest location: Demarest Borough Hall, 118
Serpentine Road):
Ballot Dropbox Locations
3. Vote at any In-Person Early Voting Locations - Early Voting
Locations will be open Wednesday, May 29th to Sunday, June 2nd (Primary) / Saturday, October 26th to Sunday, November 3rd
- Primary Election Hours: Wednesday- Saturday, 10 AM to 8PM and Sunday,
10 AM to 6 PM
- General Election: Hours: Monday - Saturday, 10 AM to 8
PM and Sunday 10 AM to 6 PM.
Early Voting Locations :
Fort Lee - Jack Alter Community Center, 1355 Inwood Terrace
Garfield - Nutrition Center/Senior Citizens Building, 480 Midland Avenue Hackensack - One Bergen
County Plaza, 5th Floor- Public Meeting Room Paramus -
Bergen Community College - West hall-Gallery Bergen, 400 Paramus Rd, IT Building River Vale - River Vale Community
Center, 628 River Vale Road Teaneck -
Richard Rodda Center, 250 Colonial Court Woodcliff Lake -
Tice Senior Center, 411 Chestnut Ridge Road Wood-Ridge - Senior Center, 495 Highland Avenue Wyckoff - Public Library,
The Shotmeyer Room, 200 Woodland Avenue For
more information/locations, visit the Bergen County Website:
In-Person Early Voting 2024 Primary
Early Voting Locations
QUESTIONS - For questions about your Vote by Mail Ballot, please contact the Bergen County Clerk's Office
Elections Division at electionsclerk@co.bergen.nj.us or (201) 336-7020.
- For questions about
your Polling Place or Secure Drop Box Locations, please contact the Bergen County Board of Elections at elections@co.bergen.nj.us or (201) 336-6230.
- For questions about
Voter Registration or to report a potential election violation, please contact the Office of the Bergen County Superintendent
of Elections at soe@co.bergen.nj.us or (201) 336-6109.
- To Track your Vote
by Mail Ballot, locate your polling location or Secure Ballot Drop Boxes or check the status of your voter registration, please
visit www.vote.nj.gov
Voter Instruction Videos Coming Soon
Voting Instructions (new voting equipment)
Voting Instructions for the Vision Impaired (new voting equipment)
Bergen County Superintendent of Elections
Click Here to Contact Bergen County Election Officials
Bergen County
Superintendent of Elections/Commissioner of Registration at 201-336-6100 (email: soe@co.bergen.nj.us) For
questions about voter registration, or to report a potential election violation
Bergen County Clerk Election Division 201-336-7020 (email: electionsclerk@co.bergen.nj.us) For
questions about your vote-by-mail ballot
Bergen County
Board of Elections 201-336-6230 (email: elections@co.bergen.nj.us) For
questions about your polling place or locations of secure drop boxes Alpine Municipal Clerk 201-784-2900
ext. 219 (email: boroclerk@alpinenj.org)
Familiarize yourself with the process. AM I REGISTERED? - Confirm your registration status and see if you’re an "active" voter.
- Call the Bergen County Superintendent of Elections 201-336-6100 or check the state website at the following
Click Here to Check Voter Registration Status
RESULTS https://www.co.bergen.nj.us/bergen-county-board-of-elections/about-bergen-county-board-of-elections
the pre-paid Voter Registration Application form at the link below. Mail or hand-deliver to: One Bergen County Plaza,
Hackensack, NJ 07601. Do not wait until the last minute to mail your form. We recommend you mail it in at least 10
days prior to the deadline to give it time to get there.
Bergen County Voter Registration Application (English)
Bergen County Voter Registration Application (Spanish)
Bergen County Voter Registration Application (Korean)
- If
you address has recently changed, or you will not be home (ex. overseas active duty military and their families, college students,
et cetera), contact the Superintendent of Elections for special instructions. The USPS is not permitted to autmatically forward
ballots from your old address to your new address. It will be returned to the Office of the County Clerk. If you have any
questions, please call the Superintendent of Elections for assistance.
- Don't Wait! When you receive your vote-by-Mail Ballot, fill it out carefully and return it to the
County as soon as possible. Return your ballot as soon as possible to have time to correct any unforeseen
and follow the instructions carefully. Missing a step may cause your ballot to be rejected. You will receive a ballot and two envelopes. Your ballot
has a bar code on it and that is a match to the Voter ID on record with the State. To correct any spelling mistakes, contact
the Superintendent of Elections at 201-336-6100 and they’ll fix it in the system. To fill out your ballot make sure you completely
color in the oval circles for the candidates you choose using a pen or pencil. Do not make a check mark,
“X” or any other kind of marks on the ovals other than filling them in for your selections. Be sure to check the
left side of the ballot to determine how many candidates you can select. For example, this year there are two seats
on the ballot for Freeholder and for that position you can choose two from any of the candidates running or even write in
a name. Be sure to look at every position on the ballot from President down to your Local Board of Education. When you are done filling out
your ballot, refold it and place it in the internal envelope that has a Certificate of Mail-In-Voter flap attached. DO
NOT DETACH THE CERTIFICATE FROM THE ENVELOPE. You will need to completely fill out AND SIGN the
certificate. If
someone assists you, they need to fill out and sign their section of the certificate Once the certificate is completed and signed,
seal the internal envelope keeping the certificate intact and place it into the second envelope that is addressed
to the Bergen County Board of Elections. This envelope has prepaid postage so you do not need a stamp. SEAL the second external envelope
and add your return address in the top left-hand corner. If someone else
will be mailing or delivering your ballot for you that person must complete and sign the bearer portion of the external envelope.
Be aware that by law
a person can only deliver (3) three ballots in addition to their own. Any more and the ballots may
not be counted.

CASTING YOUR VOTE-BY-MAIL BALLOT Return it to the County. Again, Do NOT Wait Until the Last Minute! You
have several options: Place your sealed ballot in an Official Bergen County Election Ballot Drop Box.
This is the most efficient way to return your Vote-By-Mail ballot. Drop it in one of the secure drop boxes located throughout
Bergen County. Check with the County Clerk's office for locations. A box is also located at the
Bergen County Administration Building located at 1 Bergen County Plaza in Hackensack. These boxes are under 24/7 surveillance.
Click here for a complete list of locations: www.bergencountyvotes.com. Do NOT place a ballot in any other type of drop box (ex. FedEx, UPS or municipal
tax collection drop boxes) as it won't be counted! The ballot must be in the box before 8 PM on Election Night.
Click Here to Setup an Account & Track Your Ballot
- If you don't already have an account,
you'll need to set one up. It's easy and takes less than two minutes. Not only can you see if you're already registered, you
can see where you are registered, your voter history, and most importantly, if your ballot for the November election has been
received. Or, you can call your County Election Officials to track your Mail-In Ballot.
Voting By Mail is just as safe as voting in person. - The Superintendent of Elections as well
the Board of Elections put safeguards in place to guarantee the integrity of our elections. Both of these offices consist
of members from both major political parties, and their focus is maintaining fair and well-monitored elections.
REMINDERS: - Take advantage of the new early in-person voting available at 9 locations
throughout the County.
- Submit your
vote-by-mail ballot EARLY using an Official County Election Ballot Drop Box or the U.S. Mail. Must be placed in Official
County Election Ballot Drop Box or postmarked by June 4, 2024 (Primary) Nov. 5, 2024 (General) at 8 PM.
- To reduce non-election traffic in the lobby please
try to wait to collect your personal mail the day of the election. Get your mail the day before or day after.
- If you have other in-person business with the
Borough, try and handle it the day before or after. You can quickly drop off taxes in the tax collector’s box
by the elevator but remember that drop box is NOT for ballots – they won’t be counted.
- Don’t linger or loiter in the lobby. Come
to the lobby only as your polling place. After you have waited on line and voted, please leave promptly. Take any conversation
outside and away from entrances and exits.