Responsibilities & Activities
The Church Street Green - Located on the southeast corner of Church Street and Closter Dock Road, the property was acquired by the borough in 2007 using grants from NJ State Green Acres and the NJ Open Space Trust Fund to offset the cost. In addition, funds were provided by the Bergen County Community Development for landscaping.
The site, which previously housed a non-utilized gas station, had become an eyesore which was devoid of trees as well as a source of pollution. Plans for the making of a passive park were developed to transform the area into an open space planted with trees and shrubs native to our area. The resulting space promotes the ideals of the Alpine Environmental Commission for the benefit of our environment and community. It is a living example of our principals and concerns for the environment. The site beautifies the one and only public area in our community visited by residents on a regular basis, as it is located near our Borough Hall and post office. Take a look at our Field Guide to learn about the trees located at the Church Street Green and around our Borough Hall.
Our thanks to Alpine's DPW for ongoing maintenance and care of the park.
Our starting point

7/2010: demolition, grading & seeding complete

10/2010: Irrigation system installed; plantings on the south & east sides of the park complete

4/2011: first seedling planted in the park by the Environmental Commission in honor of Arbor Day

4/2012: second seedling planted in the park by the Environmental Commission in honor of Arbor Day

4/2012: landscaping on southeast corner

4/2024: evergreen planted at the Church Street Green for our 2024 Arbor Day celebration. The tree was once distributed as a seedling to a recipient who potted it and then cared for it over the course of many years. It has now been returned and planted in our park for all to enjoy.

Potted over the years:

At the planting event: