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Tree Removal
Application & Reports


Tree Removal Permit Application< click here
In accordance with the borough’s tree ordinance, the Environmental Commission (EC) routinely conducts inspections prior to the removal of three or more regulated trees. A regulated tree is any living deciduous tree having trunk caliper of six inches or greater measured at a height of four and one half feet (forestry method) above natural grade or a coniferous tree 5 feet or taller. Application for a tree removal permit is to be submitted to the Building Department and must be received at least 7 days prior to the inspection. Inspections are conducted on the 4th Thursday of the month. The fee schedule for removal of live, regulated trees is:
(1 to 5 trees - $100.00) (6 to 10 trees - $150) (11 to 20 trees - $350) (21 to 50 trees - $500)
(51 and over - $1,000 plus an additional $100 for each additional 5 regulated trees or part thereof)

A permit fee is not required for the removal of dead, diseased or dangerous trees. Application for removal of a dead/diseased/dangerous tree is required, however, an EC inspection is not required for the removal of five or less trees as long as proper documentation is provided to the Building Department.

If the Property Owner is removing any
dead/diseased/dangerous trees, photos of the dead/diseased/dangerous trees must accompany this application along with a drawing showing the location of the trees.

If a contractor or tree expert is removing any
dead/diseased/dangerous trees, a letter from a tree expert certifying the condition of the trees must accompany this application along with a drawing showing the location of the trees.

If this application is made in conjunction with a Building Permit, 5 Site Plans, sealed by a licensed architect or engineer showing the location, species and condition of the trees to be removed and the trees remaining, must accompany this application along with a cash or surety bond.
In addition, a Pre-Inspection Checklist is required as noted below.

Pre-Inspection Checklist to Remove Live Trees (for building permit)< click here
Required if Tree Removal Permit is made in conjuction with a Building Permit.

Recycling Tonnage Forms Packet < click here

Recycling Requirements are Mandatory Pursuant to State Law   
For all owners/contractors applying for Building, Demolition, Tree or similar permits
that will result in the generation of solid waste, particularly construction debris and/or vegetative waste
TONNAGE REPORT DEADLINE: Due annually on March 1st (for the preceding year January 1st - December 31st)  

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