Responsibilities & Activities
Alpine Recycles
● Curbside Recycling: If you have not already picked up your Recycling Schedule magnets you may obtain one from the Borough Clerk's Office while supplies last.
● Recyclables MUST be placed at the road's curbside (not up driveways) either the evening before but NO LATER THAN 6AM on the morning of pickup.
- Commingled cans, plastic and glass picked up the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month
- Paper & cardboard picked up the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month
- No pickup on the 5th Wednesday of the month
● Cardboard boxes must be flattened. Paper/cardboard must be kept clean and dry. Commingled recyclables must be rinsed clean. The vendor will not return for items put out later than 6AM or put out incorrectly. If you feel your recyclables were put out correctly and on time but they were not picked up, contact Buldo Carting at 201-666-4344. If you still have questions or concerns notify the Borough Clerk's office at 201-784-2900 ext. 10 or 19.
● DO NOT USE PLASTIC BAGS. Plastic bags are not permitted as receptacles for recyclables as they gum up the sorting equipment. The vendor may begin to place stickers on plastic bags and leave them at curbside as a reminder for you to stop using them.
● Explain these regulations to your household staff.
● Please secure all containers against wind and wildlife.
● Recycle E-waste such as computers, electronic tablets, monitors, printers, etc. by stacking them neatly by the dumpsters behind Borough Hall.
● Bergen County Authority Household Hazard Waste Collection dates and flyers are available in the lobby of the Borough Hall and in the Borough Clerk's Office.
● Construction Recycling
For work associated with construction, demo, tree removal, or septic permits you or your contractor (on your behalf) must report the tonnage or cubic yardage of all solid waste and eligible recyclable materials removed from the site, provide weight receipts and identify the end market(s) where the materials are being taken, which must be NJ Class B or C recycling facilities capable of separating out recyclable materials. Forms available from Building Department or Borough Clerk's office. Mandatory recyclables include trees and tree parts, stumps, concrete, asphalt, masonry, metals, sheetrock and clean (not processed) wood products. Think green and keep recyclables out of the landfills!


America Recycles Day was first celebrated on November 15, 1997. Today it is a nationally recognized day set aside to promote and encourage recycling in the United States. It is a day to spread the word about the benefits, and the importance, of recycling, and about conserving resources now for future generations. America Recycles Day is just one day, but it inspires us to reuse, reduce, and recycle all year long.
In the past, the EC has distributed reusable bags to residents, and the Alpine school children have created posters to promote awareness of the importance of recycling. The EC thanks the Alpine school staff for their support, and participating students for creating their inspirational posters.
“Recycling Matters”
At Borough Hall
• Used eyeglass collection box
• Used printer cartridge toner disposal box
At Hilltop Lane
• Used clothing collection containers
At your home
• Collection of fall leaves for composting;
mulch available for residents, call (201) 784-2900 ext 50.
• Chipping of branches brought to the curb (except in leaf season)
• Collection of glass, aluminum, plastic, and paper
Borough Events
• Paper document shredding day • Electronics recycling
Operation Take Back; unwanted/expired medicine disposal
(for schedules, watch for announcements)
County Events
• Household hazardous waste collection
• Computer/Tire recycling and Paper shredding
(click here for schedules)
NJ Dept of Environmental Protection
Recycling Info for Residents
Add'l Info and Helpful Links
All about Source/Waste Reduction
Top 10 Hints for
Remembering your
Reusable Bag:
2. Make the conscious decision to help the environment by using reusable bags.
3. Stow the bags in your car so there're always handy.
4. Keep the bags near the kitchen door so you'll see them on your way to the store.
5. Add "Reusable Bags" to the top of your shopping list as a reminder.
6. Keep your shopping list with the bags so that they will be together when you go shopping.
7. Include your bags with your "leaving the house" list: wallet, cell phone, car keys, reusable bags.
8. Supermarkets in Europe charge 10 eurocents per bag. Think of how much money you save by recycling.
9. Reusable bags make a statement. Show that you care about the environment and about our children's future by using reusable bags whenever your shop.
10. Decide that if you forget your bags that you can't have any dessert!