The Alpine Environmental Commission
focuses on the preservation of the environment in our borough,
with particular concern for the community's tree resources.
Our responsibilities & activities::
Preserve & protect the environment
Arbor Day Celebrations
Alpine, a STERLING Tree City!
Landmark Tree designation
Church Street Green
Alpine Recycles
News & information:
The Kings Woods
Alpine's Tree Bill of Rights
The Pros & Cons of Bamboo
ANJEC Achievement Award
Benefits of Trees
Emerald Ash Borer
Vines on your trees, Why Not?
Monarch butterfly crisis!
Mulch volcanoes kill trees
Mile-A-Minute Vine Invasion
Compost at the DPW for your garden
Reuse xmas trees/conserve energy
Publications: (PDF's and Videos)
The Story of the Old Tree (Coloring for Kids)
What's Wrong With My Tree - Checklist
Spotted Lanternfly Guide
Alpine Up Close Deciduously & Video
Alpine Up Close Evergreenery & Video
Field Guide & Video
Birds and Trees Guide & Video
NJ State Symbols Video
Alpine's Wildflower Guide
Tree Buffer Guidelines
Natural Pest Control
Butterfly/Help Pollinators Guide
Stop pollution from rain run-off
Plant a seedling (4-up bookmark)
Snow deicers & the environment
Info, Events, & Arbor Day Series
Reports & register:
Annual Reports
Landmark Tree Register
Helpful links:
Borough of Alpine
Make your yard NJ friendly
ANJEC-Assn of NJ Env Commissions
Rutgers Cooperative Ext/Research
NJ Dept of Env Protection
Arbor Day Foundation
Beech Leaf Disease (BLD)
A disease that affects beech tree species (particularly American beech) and has been spreading rapidly in New Jersey & other states.

Pictured above: Symptomatic beech leaves afflicted with BLD. This photo was taken against the light sky to show the opaque banding of diseased leaf tissue, an indicative symptom of BLD. Photo credit: Jean Epiphan, Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
BLD is caused by an invasive nematode. A nematode is a microscopic round-
worm that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Wind, rain, and wild life carry the nematodes from tree to tree. Birds have the potential to carry the nematodes long distances.
BLD causes rapid decline and mortality that can occur between 2 to 10 years depending on tree size.
RUTGERS extension service
recommends the use of Polyphosphite 30. Polyphosphite materials are thought to work by stimulating the natural defense response in treated trees.
Homeowners or their landscapers can apply Doggett DOG-PHITE 0-0-29 to trunk and roots. This can be done with a watering can.
Learn more about BLD at
Rutgers Beech Leaf Disease & Mgt
Alpine Ordinances (all)
Env Commission (Chapter 22)
Tree Ordinance (Chapter 205)
Tree Expert & Tree Care Operator Licensing Act . . .
protects the public & makes the tree industry safer
Commission members:
Lorraine Mattes, Chairperson
Valentina Arnold • Nancy Dhulipala
June Kalajian • Evelyn Passante • Mary Ellen Snow
Marie Bosworth • Britta Pedersen • Dineen Policano
Meetings are held as noted on the bulletin board in the Alpine Borough Hall
Direct all EC official correspondence to the Building Dept
For general inquiries or comments, contact the EC
The Alpine Environmental Commission is established for the protection, development or use of natural resources, including water resources, located within the territorial limits of the Borough, and shall have the powers provided in N.J.S.A. 40:56A-1 through 40:56A-6, as the same may, from time to time, be amended.